Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Toxin From Fish Causes Illness in Humans
Several outbreaks of ciguatera fish poisoning have been confirmed in consumers who ate fish harvested in the northern Gulf of Mexico, the Food and Drug Administration said Tuesday.
Vaccine for Prostate Cancer? Effective in mice....
Research from the University of Southern California indicates that a recently developed a prostate cancer vaccine may prevent Prostate Cancer.
Prostate information every Man should know
Health statistics show that it is not a matter of if males in general will develop prostatitis, but when. By the age of 50, half of the male population will experience some symptoms and by the age of 80, 80% of men will experience some level of prostate enlargement also known as BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia)
Why does BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia) occur?
It is important to note that there are several different reasons why the prostate can enlarge including bacterial infection resulting in bacterial prostatitis. Make sure that you understand and have successfully identified the reasons behind your prostate condition before you attempt any treatment.
Preventative Prostate Health Maintenance
Diet plays a role in this condition as in so many others. Increasing fruit and vegetable content in your diet and reducing butter, margarine and other fats including animal fats will reduce your chance of developing BPH. Foods high in quercetin such as apples and onions also act as natural anti-inflammatories.
BPH and Prostate Cancer
A man who has BPH may also have undetected prostate cancer at the same time or may develop prostate cancer in the future. Therefore, the National Cancer Institute and the American Cancer Society recommend that all men over 50 consult their physicians about having a digital rectal exam and PSA blood test once a year to screen for prostate cancer
Scientifically validated natural treatments for Prostate
Scientifically validated natural treatments for BPH Vitamin & Nutritional Supplements * Beta -sitosterol * Rye Pollen * Amino acid mixture * EFAs (Essential fatty acids) * Zinc Herbs * Saw Palmetto * Pygeum * Nettles * Pumpkin seed oil * Aged garlic extract Other * Reflexology
More women opting for natural way of birth in Fife
The increasing number of women opting for give birth in the special unit is considered as the growing recognition for the natural birth. A special unit was dedicated to pregnant women at the Forth Park hospital in Kirkcaldy, Fife was used by 735 expectant women when it was formed in the year 1994.
Breast Feeding Top Directory
This is a complete directory of Breast Feeding and the equipments, I am sure you need this for your baby
Prevent Osteoporosis with Natural Remedies
If you want to prevent osteoporosis, the time to do is now. You don't want to wait until you're past 40 to find out you have porous and weak bones. Practice healthy bone maintenance into your diet now
51 Special Instructions to be healthy like Yogi
"The illusory Samsaric Vasana that has arisen through the practice of many lives, never perishes except through the practice of Yoga for a long time. It is not possible on the part of one to control the mind by sitting up again and again except through the approved means" (Muktikopanishad).
âSecrets of Beautiful Hair and Skin Revealed Guideâ
If you have aging, or deteriorating skin, learn in this guide how you can improve and reverse your appearance. It doesn't matter how old you are, by using these skin natural products, you will keep your skin healthy and prevent it from aging prematurely
Obesity may be hard-wired in the brain: study
Obesity may be hard-wired into the brain from birth, according to a new animal study released Tuesday that appears to bolster the notion that some people are more prone to pile on the pounds than others.
Garlic To Lower Cholesterol Level
For many years Garlic has proven its healing powers to high blood pressure and lowering cholesterol. Read the full article to know more about its benefits.
Basic Yoga Lessons for Women
First things first, when you roll out of your bed, sit onto a mat on the floor and hug your knees to your chest. Then raise your legs in the air and stay bottoms up until your head clears. Next stand up and drop your forehead to your shins until you feel ready to tackle the toothbrush and get on with your day.Waking up doesn't have to consist of po
Truth About Abs Review - 2 Flaws Found
Terrific review of The Truth About Abs by Mike Geary. There are 2 major flaws of this book that were discovered and were dealbreakers...until solutions were found. The reviewer wants to show you how he solved these flaws, and give them to you as FREE bonuses!
The AeroGarden Pro 100, A Kitchen Garden
The AeroGarden Pro 100 is a Brookstone item that is actually a unique and different product. This is for you moms out there that either don't have enough backyard to plant your own garden or just don't have the time to.
Walkabout: "Selling" free eyeglasses
Up against the odds, here is someone who "sells" the free glasses by listening to objections and addressing them with true answers.
Basic Yoga Lessons for Women
First things first, when you roll out of your bed, sit onto a mat on the floor and hug your knees to your chest. Then raise your legs in the air and stay bottoms up until your head clears. Next stand up and drop your forehead to your shins until you feel ready to tackle the toothbrush and get on with your day.Waking up doesn't have to consist of po
Pregnancy stress linked with schizophrenia in children
Researchers from the University of Manchester have concluded that women who go through extreme stress during the first trimester of pregnancy are more likely to give birth to babies who will have schizophrenia later on in life.
Medicinal Benefits of Ginger
If you have stomach problems like dyspepsia, intestinal worms, abdominal gas pains and cramps then try your ginger your first herb remedy.
herbal male enhancement and Chinese medicine
Sexual energy is overflowing, sexual psychic force becomes impulsive, all symptoms of renal deficiency have vanished, sexual dysfunction have been overcome, natural male enhancement is wonderful and you can indulge in sexual life to your heart's content!
Pay vigilant attention to yourself...you deserve it!
We all deserve to live the lives of our dreams. To 'get in the flow', check-in with yourself frequently to see what you need.
101 Reasons to Quit Smoking
A growing list of reasons to quit smoking that allows you to add reasons. Also links to free stop smoking stuff.
Is Tubal Reversal Surgery Safer in a Hospital?
In a recent email inquiry, someone asked if it would be safer to have tubal reversal surgery in a hospital.
Pay vigilant attention to yourself...you deserve it!
To live our best lives, we need to "get in the flow". Checking in with ourselves frequently and following the guidance of our body-mind & spirit will give surprising results.
Simple program to learn conversational hypnosis
Revolutionary program by Igor Ledochowski (Renowned psychologist and more) that teaches you conversational hypnosis to get what you want. Great value and 100% guaranteed.
Dr Oz's ultimate checklist
Dr Oz - Oprah's health guru and RealAge.com expert - gives his advice on how you can look and feel younger.
Los Angeles Triathlon Doctor Recommendations
I asked members of the Los Angeles Triathlon Club to recommend doctors in the Los Angeles area that were either Ironmen themselves, or athletes with a good understanding of endurance athletics. Here are the results:
Select Comfort Sleep Number Bed: Model 5000
Have you been hearing about the Sleep Number and wondered just what in the heck it is? Well, this is where you can find out all you need to know.
Study links marijuana smoking to gum disease
Smoking marijuana, much like smoking tobacco, may increase a person's risk for gum disease that can lead to tooth loss, researchers said on Tuesday.
A SAD Condition: Why Do You Feel So Down at Winter Time?
I am a self-proclaimed winterphobe. Yes, I know it's not a word, but as Steven Colbert of The Colbert Report knows, words are invented everyday. My fear or hate of winter is a "truthy" I have long experienced, but haven't bothered to examine or explore until now...
Cheap Propecia
In studies, Propecia stopped hair loss and caused some hair to re-grow in up to 48 percent of men with hair loss at the top of the head or at the back and middle part of the scalp when treated for 12 months. At 24 months, 66 percent of men reported improvement.
When the Glass Is Half Empty
Recently, I was driving home from work, seething in my usual traffic road rage, when an annoyingly perky voice started counting off the many reasons why pessimists generally live a much harder life...
Conjoined twins' surgery could come at costs
Emma and Taylor Bailey are typical 1-year-olds: They coo and babble, they're entertained by the TV show Little Einsteins, and the desire to get up and run around and explore is written all over their faces.
Antioxidants: Your Natural Skin Protection
Antioxidants occur naturally as vitamins or phytonutrients (nutrients found in plants), or synthetically in a lab for skincare. In any form, antioxidants help our bodies fight free radicals, which contribute to sagging and wrinkled skin. Including an array of colorful, pigmented fruits and vegetables in your diet every day that contains antioxidant
Alcohol and the Benefits to Your Heart Health
After countless studies have been conducted on how alcohol affects our cardiovascular health, many extraordinary results have been discovered. Namely, how moderate consumption of alcohol actually helps our heart.
Inhaling Pig Brains May Be Cause of New Illness
Workers in a Minnesota slaughterhouse have developed a new disease that doctors suspect is caused by inhaling microscopic particles of pig brain. The worker's immune system attacks the particles, but then goes to work on the person's own nerve cells because they're so similar.
Fartlek: Dirty Word, or Great Winter Workout?
what's a runner to do when his (or her) local track has gone into hibernation for the winter? To answer that question, we need to turn to Scandinavia, where they're pros at dealing with the white stuff.
3 Top Weight Lifting Programs
Each one of these courses was written by a strength training expert who overcame his genetics and built a powerful, muscular body. They were all able to build a huge amount of muscle without steroids or a truckload of supplements.
Marriage: It's Only Going to Get Worse
If your spouse already bugs you now, the future is bleak. New research suggests couples view one another as even more irritating & demanding the longer they are together. Accumulated contact with a spouse, such that the nitpicking or frequent demands that once triggered just a mild chafe now develops into a major pain. No wonder divorce is popular.
Yes We Can...Improve Our Brain Fitness
Today we know that stimulating the brain can literally generate new neurons and strengthen their connections which results in better brain performance and in a lower risk of developing Alzheimer's symptoms. Studies suggest that people who exercise their mental muscles throughout their lives have a 35-40% less risk of manifesting Alzheimer's symptom
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