Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Cancer Industry Fights New Better Therapies To Milk Cash Cow
Didn't you think cancer would be cured in your lifetime? I thought so too 50 years ago. What if they have no intention of curing cancer? What if Big Pharma, the FDA & the Hospitals are in cahoots to keep costly barbaric treatments ringing the register instead of approving better, safer, immune boosting therapies. Think it can't happen. Read On..
A Study Finds Antidepressants Don't Work (Last Psychiatrist)
"ABC News, and others, report that the NEJM study found that antidepressants "may be duds."" The Last Psychiatrist shows resentment for data that is 10 years old. "This study isn't just about antidepressants, it is a call to arms-- ...Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair. Nothing besides remains."
Stem cells to prevent amputation
In what could be considered as a significant study the researchers at the Northwestern University had conducted a research that makes use of stem cells to nurture new blood vessels that are capable of preventing leg amputation. As part of the research the scientists transplanted the subjects' own stem cells into the legs and it proved effective.
Sunshine Vitamin Deemed Essential For Pregnant Women
Pregnant women who have low levels of vitamin D face a five-fold risk of preeclampsia, a serious complication during pregnancy which can lead to death of the fetus. Preeclampsia is marked by soaring blood pressure and swelling of the hands and feet, and is the leading cause of premature delivery and maternal and fetal illness and death worldwide.
Getting Fat for Dummies
Fat is practically a hot issue these days, everyone is trying to lose weight and stay thin, but you are forgetting about those who are trying to be fat. There are so many advices on how to lose weight, but I don't see much on gaining weight. So, here a suggestion on how to gain fat.
Dog Urine Lowers Heart-Attack Risk
A team of researchers at Johns Hopkins University have found a link between the consumption of dog urine and the decreased likelihood of heart attacks, team leaders announced Tuesday in cracking, uneven voices. Apologizing for his occasional laughter and explaining that the morning's Hi & Lois comic strip was "really funny."
A Weight Loss Program Guide to Natural Weight Loss by click2
A natural weight loss eBook and weight loss diet program guide to lose weight easy by eating natural unprocessed food.
Sculpting Long, lean and lovely Shoulders
Toned shoulders and sculpted arms make dressing an absolute pleasure, and they also make your upper body leaner and stronger. They take time to achieve, but rest assured it can be done – here's how.
Feel anxious, guilty or depressed about clutter?
A survey found four in ten Australians were psychologically affected by their clutter, becoming depressed and anxious, while others suffered guilt and embarrassment.
Sculpting Long, lean and lovely Shoulders
Toned shoulders and sculpted arms make dressing an absolute pleasure, and they also make your upper body leaner and stronger. They take time to achieve, but rest assured it can be done – here's how.
1000 Genomes & Techcrunch DNA kit !
The 1000 Genomes Project will examine the human genome at a level of detail that no one has done before," said Richard Durbin, Ph.D., of the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, who is co-chair of the consortium. "Such a project would have been unthinkable only two years ago.... and Techcrunch is ......
The Basic Makeover for your Posture
Good posture is vital. It affects your image and sends signals to others. A woman with a shuffling slouch does not look confident or like she has much to offer, she seems to be retreating into herself, and she may be left there, alone. Many therapists confirm that the stronger and happier we are, the better our posture
Why be scared to ask tough questions to your doctor?
When it comes to surgery, ask your surgeon tough questions instead of shying away.
Healing effects of Saffron Crocus
Ayurveda uses the herb Saffron to strengthen the functioning of the stomach and to cure digestive problems. It is also used in treating cough, bloated stomach and colic.
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