Monday, February 4, 2008
Medicare in a nutshell
The phone rings and the lady of the house answers, 'Hello.' 'Mrs. Ward, please.' 'Speaking.' 'Mrs. Ward, this is Doctor Jones at the Medical Testing Laboratory. When your doctor sent your husband's biopsy to the lab yesterday, a biopsy from another Mr. Ward arrived as well, and we are now uncertain
World Cancer Day?
February 4th has been designated World Cancer Day by a consortium of organizations called the International Union Against Cancer, or UICC (for Union Internationale Contre le Cancer). The group seeks to raise international awareness about the prevention, detection and treatment of cancer.
How to have balance in your life
Find a balance in your life between work and play. How do you know when you are out of balance? What can you do to regain your balance and enjoy yourself in what you do? You will find tips and suggestions on how to have balance reading this.
ThePoliticalCat:Health: OK, I Didn't Need To Hear That
Scientists are telling us that you can't ever stop exercising ever again. Unless you're really happy being fat and out of shape. It's not fair.
No covered dishes with mental illness
Problems include everything from a person resisting treatment to the family facing a society that doesn't understand mental illnesses are biologically based brain disorders, just like Alzheimer's or Parkinson's diseases.about one in 17 Americans suffers from a serious mental illness, and mental illness affects one in five families.
Cancer Patients Need to Treat Sleep Disorders
Breast cancer survivor Patricia Pillow was diagnosed with sleep apnea at M. D. Anderson Cancer Center's Sleep Center, where she learned she was waking up more than 100 times a night because she stopped breathing or her breathing slowed.
The United Way 211
The United Way offers free resources to people in need through their 2-1-1 service.
San Jose State University bans blood drives on campus
Blood drives on the San Jose campus bring in an estimated 1,000 pints a year, estimates Michele Hyndman of the Stanford Blood Center. In general, she said, high school and college campuses account for about 20 percent of all donated blood.
Free Car Seats for Low Income Families
There are plenty of resources available to help low income families obtain free car seats for their children.
Dieting for the Right Reasons
Dieting for the Right Reasons - Free diet and weight loss articles and tips. Lose weight fast and burn fat.
San Jose State University bans blood drives on campus
Blood drives on the San Jose campus bring in an estimated 1,000 pints a year, estimates Michele Hyndman of the Stanford Blood Center. In general, she said, high school and college campuses account for about 20 percent of all donated blood.
Your Child's Tonsils: In or Out?
When many of us were growing up, the cure-all for throat infections and breathing problems was removal of the tonsils and adenoid. Today, these operations are rarely recommended. Find out when your child's tonsils or adenoids should be taken out and — perhaps more importantly — when they shouldn't.
Smoking Addiction: Like A Fish Hooked On The End Of The Line
If you are a smoker, or know someone who is, and looking to quit - check this out. Ever gone fishing? You know how you hook a fish? There are basically 2 ways to hook a fish. Hook them through the lip, and hook them via what's called "gut hooking". It works basically the same way for smokers. They get baited...then they get hooked.
The Blind Will See
Should the blind be allowed to gain vision after not having it for so long? haha, I don't know. Of course they should. And you've seen it happen in a couple movies maybe. So can that be real? Yes and no. They're working on artificial eyes! But that is some really tricky stuff. Do you know how many nerves there are to connect in the...
Baby Growth and Development
Information on how babies develop in the first year of life. This article provides some great information on tracking the the early development new babies and how to measure if your baby is developing normally.
Download Chronic Care at the Crossroads White Paper
The World Health Organization reports that chronic disease is responsible for 60% of all deaths worldwide. In the UK, 17.5 million people are living with chronic illness, and among people over 75 years of age, three-quarters have at least one chronic disease. Chronic illness is challenging for patients because they often have to make significant...
Your Basic Guidelines: Do Breast Enhancement Pills Work?
Most women want to enjoy the benefits of having larger and fuller breasts. Women always associate increased breast size with increased confidence, higher level of self-esteem, sexiness and sex appeal.
Tubal Ligation Reversal Pregnancy Testimonials
"Thank Dr. Berger and his staff for his great work he has done. His tubal reversal procedure has made another miracle happen for my family."
Record operating results for Roche again in 2007
The Roche Group posted record results in 2007. Group sales were up significantly, advancing 10% in local currencies (10% in Swiss francs; 15% in US dollars) to 46.1 billion Swiss francs. This 4.1 billion Swiss franc rise in full-year sales was all organic growth.
Record operating results for Roche again in 2007
The Roche Group posted record results in 2007. Group sales were up significantly, advancing 10% in local currencies (10% in Swiss francs; 15% in US dollars) to 46.1 billion Swiss francs. This 4.1 billion Swiss franc rise in full-year sales was all organic growth.
Top Pharmaceutical Branded Websites by Rx Request Rates
Manhattan Research, a leader in syndicated research and marketing services for the health and pharmaceutical industry, today revealed the top pharmaceutical branded product websites ranked by offline requests by U.S. adult consumers. The product site rankings are based on the comprehensive online consumer research study with 5,112 U.S. adults...
Obesity becoming world crisis
The United Nations says there are now more overweight people in the world than starving people...
Naps Facilitate Learning
A recent study by Matthew A. Tucker, PhD, of the Center for Sleep and Cognition and the department of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School, has discovered that a short 45 minute non-REM nap during the afternoon can have important benefits for an individual's declarative memory performance. - please unite Digg, and help Becky!!
Becky Fleming is a 28 year old woman who has been battling constant, debilitating headache pain, nerve pain, severe nausea, and other symptoms for about four years. Before her illness, she was a top salesperson at CDW, ran the Chicago marathon, volunteered, traveled and lived a full, active life.
Cough Remedies Wanted: Natural and Home-Made Need Only Apply
It's cold and flu season again! And with it comes a nagging cough that just won't go away. Here's my favorite remedy. Post your favorite remedy and help others get rid of their cough
Is Having a Tubal Reversal Selfish?
Tubal Reversal Message Board members discuss their feelings about wanting to have more children after a tubal ligation, and whether it would be selfish for them to have a tubal reversal procedure. These are deeply considered reflections upon discussing their desire for a tubal reversal with their children and other family members and friends.
Study Warns of Chemicals in Baby Items
CHICAGO (AP) — Baby shampoos, lotions and powders may expose infants to chemicals that have been linked with possible reproductive problems, a small study suggests. The chemicals, called phthalates, are found in many ordinary products including cosmetics, toys, vinyl flooring and medical supplies.
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