Monday, January 28, 2008

The Real Deal on Artificial Sweeteners

What we can conclude from this information is that artificial sweeteners are chemicals, and considering the potential health risks and the fact that they offer our bodies zero nourishment, it's worth exploring alternatives for sweetening our food and beverages.

The Race — When the effects of our divorce overwhelm

Whenever the effects of your divorce start to overwhelm you (again), I hope that this poem will give you strenght and hope, and power to get up again and move Dee Groberg"Quit! Give up! You're beaten!"They shout at me, and plead"There's just too much against you now.This time you can't succeed."And as I start to hang my headIn front

Doctor linked to stem cell fraud is back

A doctor who worked for the couple accused of stem cell fraud, and who are currently fighting extradition to the US, is back in business in Cape Town. And one of his former patients, paraplegic Justine Asher, has warned off an Eastern Cape family desperate to find a treatment for a degenerative kidney disease that has already taken the life ...

Morgellons: Crazy Disease or Crazy People?

Morgellons is a disease characterized by crawling, biting and stinging sensations, granules, itching, threads or black speck-like materials on or beneath the skin and more...or is it something all in their heads?

Diabetes' Health Toll Hits $174 Billion Annually

A new study shows diabetes-related medical and economic costs in the United States hit $174 billion in 2007, a 32 percent increase from 2002.

Neways Lifestyle

這是 Neways 個人部落格。Neways在美國設立於1992年,在美國及日本多層次傳銷市場屢創佳績,2008年即將進軍台灣以及中國市場,令人期待。想要在造事業第二春的伙伴們,請把握機會。

Chest Exercise: The Bench Press

Learn how to do the bench press chest exercise with perfect technique so that you can gain maximum benefits to your fitness and strength.

Symptoms of Diabetes and Natural remedies to cure it

Some tips for diabetes cures - may help some

Chest Exercise: The Bench Press

Learn how to do the bench press chest exercise with perfect technique so that you can gain maximum benefits to your fitness and strength.

Amazing Home Remedy For Dry Hair!

For a beautiful,healthy and shiny hair....look no further than your kichen to get a great fix. A simple recipe yet very effective.

Natural Baby Shower - New Beginnings

A well constructed piece describing the emotions and decisions from birth to care for your new born. Cotton is the best choice for nappies and most ecological too.

Isopropal Alcohol Ingestion or Drinking Rubbing Alcohol

Do not drink rubbing alcohol or ingest isopropal alcohol.

An interesting article on the benefits of eggs

The egg is a highly nutritious and functional food. It contains one of the highest quality proteins one can get. Egg protein has just the right mixture of essential amino acids needed by humans to build a strong body. Next to mother's milk, it is the second most nutritious food for human consumption.

Know about Skin Blemishes... the causes and remedies

Blemishes are quite a disaster to bear. They can happen to anyone, anytime. They can be defined as either some dark patches or discoloration on the face developed due to illness or some form of allergy.

Alpha-Fibe FBCx by Bio-Form Essentials

Joseph Artiss Ph.D, a research scientist at Wayne State University recognized the potential of FBCx (alpha-dextrin) while experimenting with it in his lab at the university. K-L Catherine Jen Ph.D., Dr. Artiss' co-inventor and nutrition professor proceeded to verify his incredible findings and...

D.I.Y. Migranes - Great Ad Concept

great work.

Chocolate linked to weak bones

I believe women across the world just felt a disturbance in the force. A new study in Australia suggests, women who eat chocolate daily may end up with weaker bones and could be more prone to fracture.

Colon Cleanse Detox and its health benefits

Acne is usually an indication of harmful toxins build up in the body. Since the skin is the largest organ, the toxins is released through the skin, which ultimately result in acne. An effective way to cleanse your body of the toxins is to use a colon cleanser.

Breast Implants Review

Even though the Barbie doll image of a large and perky chest does not weigh as heavily in the public mind anymore, women from all around the globe still love to have them. The current trend is for a more athletic and proportioned figure, which still has plastic surgeons busy,

Discover the Dangers of Fluoride and Water Fluoridation

Many (if not most) people in the United States are being medicated via their water supply and they have very little say in the matter. If you are not aware of the dangers of water fluoridation or fluoride usage in general, please take the time to read this article and watch the accompanying videos. You will be surprised and probably infuriated.

Is Breast Reduction Right for Me?

If you are interested in having breast reduction surgery, there are many things you need to consider to make sure that your procedure is as successful as possible. What is Breast Reduction? Breast reduction is a surgical procedure which should be performed

New Beauty Products Can Wipe Away Signs of Aging

While beauty may only be skin deep, there's no reason to give up on your skin - or your beauty - as you age. While the Fountain of Youth doesn't exist, many of today's beauty products are taking breakthroughs in biology and chemistry and using them to create formulas that can wipe away signs of aging.

Deine Seite - Aufklaerung für Jugendliche

Auf den Seiten von finden Jugendliche vor, waehrend und nach der Pubertaet Informationen und Aufklaerung zu den Themen Liebe und Sexualitaet sowie über den verantwortungsvollen Umgang mit Suchtmitteln (Drogen) und deren Gefahren.

Beauty on a Budget - Head to Toe Moisture

Even if you are good about using a rich conditioner and body lotion, by this time of year you can start to feel like you can't keep you hair and body moisturized enough. It can be helpful to do a head to toe moisturizing session once a week. Moisturizing sessions can use the products you already own or you can whip some up with ingredients

Teens pop in contraceptive pills for flawless skin

Many young college-going teenagers are taking contraceptive pills to get rid of acne and pimples. Today, young people are placing a huge premium on good looks and acne or pimples are a big no-no. Youngsters fear dating someone with a face full of pimples.

Can Creatine help with neuroligical disorders?

Although creatine offers an array of benefits, most people think of it simply as a supplement that bodybuilders and other athletes use to gain strength and muscle mass. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Ten Ways We Get the Odds Wrong

These days, it seems like everything is risky, and worry itself is bad for your health. The more we learn, the less we seem to know—and if anything makes us anxious, it's uncertainty. At the same time, we're living longer, healthier lives. So why does it feel like even the lettuce is out to get us?

Housing Homeless Saves Money

Giving people a fighting chance in the world might lead to them moving up in life.

Skin Deep

proof that looks really matter

Visceral fat linked to heart attacks, strokes

We already know that having a beer belly is bad for your heart. Now, we might also know why.